Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cascade Loop, WA

In April '07, I managed to take a 1-week break from work, and visited Seattle (Yup...getting that vacation approved was a toughie :D) Gana & I didn't plan any big road-trips coz he can't take any break at that time of the year. However, we planned a weekend visit to the Cascades.

It's about a 3-hour drive from home...we left on a Friday night and stayed in a little town called Leavenworth in the Cascades. On Saturday morning, we checked out of the hotel and started driving towards Lake Chelan, one of the many scenic spots in the Cascades. We reached the town but cudn't find our way to the Lake :) We followed some signs that were leading us to a park... and with the number of cars driving towards the same, we were hoping to see some part of the lake atleast. (Gana is a strong believer of this logic... :-D)

We entered this little park (I don't really remember the name)... parked our car, and started walking around. And yupp... we did see a little waterfront... fresh green grass around it.... families takin a stroll .... few benches & chairs by the water .... and not to forget, a chain of mountains in the backdrop :) My Olympus did a neat job of capturing this beauty... crystal clear :)

1 comment:

Karthik P T said...

Reminds me of a song from the Hindi movie, "Kasoor". Similar backdrop and description as described :).